Anuário da Indústria de Implementos Rodoviários 2022

52 ARTIGO | ARTICLE | ARTÍCULO The modernization of management and the putting into practice of corporate governance in implement, transport, and logistics companies require knowledge of the sector and a comprehensive look at the megatrends that will affect the entire business. No corporate governance process can be implemented as if it were off the shelf, as each case is unique, despite the rules and principles set out Corporate Governance by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC). Recalling some of these principles: “Corporate Governance is the system by which companies are directed, monitored, and encouraged with rules of relationships between partners, the board, directors, supervisory and control bodies, and other stakeholders. Good corporate governance practices convert principles into objective recommendations, aligning interests to preserve and optimize the long-term economic value of the company, facilitating its access to resources and contributing to the quality of the organization’s management, credibility, longevity, and the common good. Its basic principles are transparency of information and actions, fair and equal treatment among partners and other stakeholders, accountability, and broad corporate responsibility.” The evolution of management in the sector - Many companies in the transport and implement sector are family-owned and began in the 1960s and 1970s (some in the 1950s). Today, they are consolidated, with the third or fourth generation of the family in charge. Over the past five decades, many entrepreneurial families have strengthened and diversified activities, expanding into agro-industry, concessions, and the wholesale segment, creating controlling groups. Also, it is a fact that some family empires disintegrated in this period, basically due to a lack of succession and strategic planning. Professional management has become essential to the survival of the business, regardless of whether it is by a family or outside professionals. A new phase - We are coming into a new cycle of technology and sustainable development in which today’s combustion engines will live alongside electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles for decades. Artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, and quantum computing will be as natural as the new economy that emerges in the metaverse, an unlimited virtual world for real customer experiences. There will be different ways to do business, in a transport and logistics model that may not survive in the future. Everything will change, from consumer demands to how to make money. The governance and management model needs to be strategically adapted to what lies ahead. At this point I say that most economic groups have not yet done their homework. More than implementing reliable governance and management processes, independent strategy and risk committees will play an important role. Good corporate governance is essential for organizations to evolve and create value for shareholders, suppliers, distributors, funders, employees, and consumers. Through this, a company has its strategic course set, ensuring the alignment of interests and structural and operational principles that ensure trust in the business and people. Corporate governance must oversee management, either by an independent board, by the family council empowered to do so, or by the formation of a mixed board, remembering that, in the case of the formation of a board of directors, the responsibilities of directors are fiduciary. Finally, I recommend attention be paid to the pillar of support of good corporate governance practices composed of the norms of conduct and ethics of business, which, from now on, also need to consider ESG. Implementing good corporate governance practices does not require changing family values and principles, but the modernization of management that is required for business survival will naturally improve them. Corporate governance in the transport, implement, and logistics sector By Orlando Merluzzi Partner at MA8 Consulting, an independent management advisor, mentor, and specialist in management and governance, working in the corporate world for 37 years. The evolution of technology, environmental demands, and the new economy in the metaverse require a review of the governance and management model.